Why Use
The Neckbuddy™

As the digital age continues evolving, most of us spend too many hours staring at tiny cell phone screens, squinting at computers and televisions, sitting poorly at work or at home, and slouching when driving. Our necks are taking a beating unlike no other time in history. Even with good intentions, as we exercise to help our bodies, neck discomfort is sometimes inevitable.

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A staggering statistic reveals that at least a whopping 50% of adults suffer with neck discomfort. The Neck BuddyTM offers a non-clinical, non-surgical, and non-drug therapy to help prevent and ease neck discomfort.

The Smart Path to Neck Wellness


The Neck Buddy was designed with smart ergonomics in mind. The upraised supports keep your neck aligned and maintain proper positioning. Adding proper support to the neck can help reduce tension and prevent injuries to soft tissues. It helps focus on targeted muscles – not soft tissue areas.

AND – the Neck Buddy isn’t just for weightlifting! Use the Neck Buddy for Yoga, core workouts, Lamaze, rehabilitation training – and any other activity that can benefit from additional neck support.

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How NeckBuddy™ Utilizes CELLIANT®


The Neck BuddyTM is powered by CELLIANT® infrared technology. CELLIANT® is a natural blend of bioceramic minerals. This technology increases local circulation and improves cellular oxygenation, supporting performance, comfort, and faster recovery from physical fatigue in healthy individuals, among other benefits.

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CELLIANT transforms your body’s heat into full-spectrum infrared energy, promoting local circulation and cell oxygenation while keeping you drier and at the perfect temperature. That means more energy, endurance, strength, stamina, comfort, quicker recovery, and better sleep.

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